Analysis of your data

With data analysis, we compare your data with our company, market and contact data through the various strategies that we explain in more detail on this page. This way, we know where new opportunities or customers are and combat polluted data and wasted time.

New opportunities and customers

By comparing your data with our insights from the MarketBase, we can see where the opportunities lie for you. We look at which organisations relevant to you are currently not on your radar or not in your CRM system through a whitespace analysis. In addition, we are also able to compare your customers on various characteristics with other organisations via a look-a-like analysis.

On average, you miss 30% of the organisations relevant to you in your CRM system.

Cleaning up your data

By comparing your data with our MarketBase, we can see which data in your systems is no longer up-to-date and which organisation is now in your system but is not relevant. This way, you know for sure that your sales colleagues focus on the right organisations in which they use the most up-to-date information.

On average, 30% of your customer data is no longer correct after one year

Complementing your data

By looking critically at your data, we are able to supplement relevant organisations, contact persons and company information. This way you can get in touch directly with the right decision maker with a relevant topic based on information about that organisation. Based on our market-specific insights, we can show, among other things, which software and hardware is used, what the fleet looks like and how many charging stations are available.