Succes story ODM

Fast and effective work resulting in new leads

Based on the need for additional leads, Maria, Marketing and Communication Manager at ODM, got in touch with Ainara at Smart Profile. After explaining the partner program for Microsoft partners, ODM decided to go ahead and work together.
“Setup went very fast and effective. Within 1 week both the target audience was narrowed down to a suited group of organisations and the script was created. From the start we were able to work closely together in a very pleasant and fast manner”, explains Maria Regueira Alonso.

After the setup, the campaign regarding Microsoft365 or Modern Workplace commenced and was executed by local expert LeadMarket. “Next to a quick start of the campaign, we received our first leads sooner than expected. In less than a month we received 7 leads from which 5 have already resulted in opportunities and sales is currently in touch”, adds the Marketing lead of ODM.

“I have worked with several other agencies, but never as  pleasant and effective as the combination between Smart Profile and LeadMarket. The team was very professional and was paying the right attention to qualify leads.”